About Us
TACOM HQ is the leader in innovative firearm accessories and barrels designed to enhance the modern warfighter. The proud creators of multiple industry-firsts, we challenge standards with bold, new products rooted in simplicity (KISS) and applied math. Acknowledging simplicity and sustainability are critical in near-pear, long-term conflicts, TACOM HQ is not overly reliant on electronics, idealizing robust, passive technologies to work in concert with technological dependent alternatives, but at a fraction of the cost.
History proves time and time again, low-cost, high saturation warfare overwhelms technologically superior forces. Modern air or naval drones underscore this fact. Costing mere thousands, drones proficiently deplete enemy resources by disabling or killing land, aviation, and naval equipment costing tens to upwards of hundreds of millions. Enhancing the modern warefighter with simple add-ons realize fast, inexpensive upgrades to rival the capabilities of expensive alternatives.
Structured Barrels embodies simplicity through interior and exterior geometries to overcome complex physics for the ultimate standard in performance. We root our barrels in physics and various engineering disciplines to define the why and isolate variables for increased performance, a stark contrast to others. Structured Barrels boast immense surface-area-to-volume ratios for superior thermal endurance and rigidity to better manage heat and material stiffness throughout prolonged engagements. The result, shoot longer, run cooler, and mitigate recoil for quick, follow-up shots.
When choosing TACOM HQ, you’re not just procuring innovative, cutting-edge gear; you’re gaining access to an entire team committed to your success. Whether you are a military combatant, law enforcement officer, professional shooter, or an 2A enthusiast, TACOM HQ offers next level capabilities. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how we can assist to unlock next-level proficiency.
Alpha TARAC and Bravo TARAC — Prism systems that serve as analog, bullet drop compensators to rapidly engage targets with an Aim Center® methodology and to shoot beyond a scope’s travel, respectively.
Charlie and Delta TARAC — Periscope systems that optically add up to 250 mils (800 moa) of adjustable elevation to any riflescope and eliminate visual interference from heat, the barrel, and or a suppressor, respectively.
Structured Barrels® — Ultra-rigid, high performance barrels with interior and exterior finishes to improves resistance to flexion (+50%) and heat with its immense surface-area-to-volume ratio (+300%).
Armor Optic — A multipurpose roll-cage for riflescopes.
“Militaries are not known for developing new technologies. When you hear the words ‘that’s impossible’ well that’s tantalizing to most of us in this industry because we want to make the impossible possible (….) Every now and then, every five-ten years there is a piece of equipment that comes along and if you look at TACOM HQ it is a game changer. It will be forever remembered; probably what propelled us to the next level.” – Rob Furlong, former JTF2 sniper with the world’s longest confirmed sniper kill at 2,430 m (2,657 yds) until 2009.
for SALE
• Maximize hit-rate probability with the Alpha TARAC, an analog, prismatic bullet drop compensator. The Alpha creates a dead zone using a max-point blank zero, so end users simply aim center without holdover, range estimation, or thinking within a prescribed range. Simplify your thought chain to a simple, binary solution according to target size and adapt your zero on-the-fly to meet situational requirements. Ideal for ballistic, bore offset, super/subsonic, and SIM compensation.
• Eliminates:
– Holdover
– Range estimation
– Milling
– Speed drop
– Lasers
– IR emissions
– Batteries
– Software & updates
• Patented prism technology
• Optically add up to 60 mils (200 moa) of fixed elevation to any riflescope without changing rails, rings, cheek position, or 100-yd zero.
• Applications
– Snipers
• Patented prism technology
• Optically add up to 250 mils (800 moa) of adjustable elevation to any riflescope without changing rails, rings, cheek position, or 100-m zero.
• Applications
– Snipers
– Grenade launchers
– Heavy machine guns
– Heavy, low-velocity rounds
• Patented periscope technology
• Safeguard optics and Point of Impact. Armor Optic is ergonimically engineered to serve as a carry-handle, brace against a car door or window, and an attachment point for camouflage and lanyards. Ideal for school houses, fast roping, SPIES, mass tactical exits, and military free fall.
• Patented
• Structured Barrels is a revolutionary, patented design so end users can shoot longer, run cooler, and mitigate recoil for quick, follow-up shots. Comprising internal and external geometries machined from a large DIA, monolithic barrel blank, no other industry solution matches our thermal endurance and stiffness to maintain barrel stability in prolonged engagements. Structuring adds a massive +300% and +50% more surface area and rigidity, respectively, compared to a barrel of the same weight, so Structured Barrels demonstrate superior performance in combat or competition. Add stability for reliability.
• Advantages
– Reduced flexion
– Enhanced thermal resistance
– Less mirage
– Flatter SD
– Greater load flexibility
– Improved life
• Patented barrel technology

Made in the U.S.A.